Android App Testing

Fast, flake-free, and fully parallel automated testing

100% parallel runs — no infra required
Execute thousands of tests in minutes without a device farm, Grid, or TestNG.
Any gesture, any sensor
GPS, accelerometers, biometrics, swipes, and pinches — whatever your app uses can be tested.
Test any mobile app
  • NativeWeb
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • Flutter
  • View-based hybrid
  • Responsive/adaptive apps
  • Progressive web apps (PWA)
  • Single-page application (SPA)

Make mobile testing simple

It’s funny that the most common operating system in the world, Android, is also one of the most challenging platforms to test: There are literally thousands of different device configurations, new versions need to stay backwards compatible for months or years, and bugs can’t be patched in a few minutes like they can be on web. And then there’s the testing infrastructure, with existing grids mostly running parallel tests on shared machines, leading to resource contention problems and flakes.

Of course, building out an automated test plan is barely half the work. The real value of QA Wolf’s managed testing is investigating failures, maintaining tests, and dealing with flakes that eat up developer productivity and slow down new features.

Let QA Wolf do the work

Cover every corner of your app

Comprehensive feature coverage
We build tests that cover gestures, camera functions, and sensor interactions and everything else.

Run tests at unparalleled speed

Full parallel execution
We execute your entire test suite in full parallel, significantly reducing mobile testing time.

Efficient testing across multiple PRs
We run tests across multiple pull requests simultaneously, without data collisions.
QA Wolf parallel runs = 3 min
Old Way sequential runs = 10 hours

Hassle-free maintenance

Timely upkeep
As your app evolves, we continuously update your tests to align with new functionality, and keep them relevant and effective.

Quick test failure resolution
When a test fails, we don’t just flag the issue — we promptly resolve it to avoid unnecessary workflow disruptions.

Workflow-integrated support

Tool integration made easy
We integrate with your existing tools like Fastlane, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Jenkins, and more.

Compliance and security assurance
Whether it’s data protection, privacy compliance,  platform-specific requirements, or what have you, we’ll handle compliance and security validations so you can focus on building great apps .

Cover every corner of your app

Comprehensive feature coverage
We build tests that cover gestures, camera functions, and sensor interactions and everything else.

Run tests at unparalleled speed

QA Wolf parallel runs = 3 min
Old Way sequential runs = 10 hours
Full parallel execution
We execute your entire test suite in full parallel, significantly reducing mobile testing time.

Efficient testing across multiple PRs
We run tests across multiple pull requests simultaneously, without data collisions.

Cover every corner of your app

Timely upkeep
As your app evolves, we continuously update your tests to align with new functionality, and keep them relevant and effective.

Quick test failure resolution
When a test fails, we don’t just flag the issue — we promptly resolve it to avoid unnecessary workflow disruptions.

Workflow-integrated support

Tool integration made easy
We integrate with your existing tools like Fastlane, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Jenkins, and more.

Compliance and security assurance
Whether it’s data protection, privacy compliance,  platform-specific requirements, or what have you, we’ll handle compliance and security validations so you can focus on building great apps .

Covering all the bases


Touch (and multi-touch) interactions

Test tap, swipe, pinch, and zoom gestures work as expected and in combination (multi-touch).

Screen orientation

Validate that the app adjusts behavior when the screen is rotated (portrait to landscape and vice versa).


Responsive design on different screen sizes

Validate app appearance and usability on different screen sizes

Mobile-specific UI elements

Test mobile-specific UI widgets like navigation bars, floating buttons, drawer menus, and third-party integrations (e.g., ads, customer support) and make sure they don’t block critical parts of the app.


App launch time

Measure the time it takes for the app to launch and become usable on various mobile devices and verify that it meets performance benchmarks.

Mobile memory usage

Validate memory consumption and assert that it conforms with reasonable benchmarks.

Mobile-specific CPU utilization

Verify CPU utilization on mobile devices during different usage scenarios.


Mobile data encryption

Verify that sensitive data is encrypted during storage and transmission on mobile devices.

Confirm the app is safe when accessing secured resources on mobile.

Session management on mobile

Validate session timeout and re-authentication requirements on mobile devices.

Confirm the app behaves correctly when multiple simultaneous sessions on mobile are open.


Language functionality

Confirm the app switches to the selected language and displays all text correctly.

Verify that the app defaults to the appropriate fallback language if a specific language is not available.

Make sure all button labels appear correctly in the selected language without truncation or formatting issues.

Regional settings

Confirm the app displays the correct date and time formats based on device region settings.

Check that the app displays appropriate currency symbols and formats based on the user’s selected region.


Visual accessibility

Check that the app’s text and background color combinations meet visual impairment accessibility standards.

Confirm that text resizing features (e.g., OS-level settings) function properly without disrupting the app’s layout.

Backward and forward compatibility

Backward compatibility

Ensure backward compatibility by confirming the app functions smoothly on older OS versions without performance degradation and adjusts gracefully if certain features are unavailable.

Forward compatibility

Verify the app functions properly on upcoming or beta versions of the operating system.


E-commerce apps

Verify mobile payment gateway integration (e.g., Samsung Pay).

Test the behavior of mobile-specific shopping cart management (e.g., swipe to delete items).

Social media apps

Test mobile-specific posting, commenting, liking, sharing,  and real-time updates for social interactions.

Fitness apps

Verify workout tracking features that use mobile sensors and GPS.

Test integration with mobile health APIs for wearable devices.


We’re some of the first people to use Google Cloud Platform’s nested virtualization feature to run tests, so we can spin up emulators in dedicated containers just as we do for web apps.

We use emulators, each running on their own virtual machine, to ensure the fastest test runs.

We emulate Google Pixels, with more devices coming soon.

We can handle functional, performance, security, usability and just about anything you can throw at us. We customize our approach to fit your app's specific needs.

Yes, QA Wolf fully supports testing both APK and AAB files.

Through emulation we can mock non-US locations, but the emulators are US based.

We use Appium and WebdriverIO to write automated tests. Both are open-source so you aren’t locked-in. If you ever need to leave us (and, we hope you don’t), you can test your tests with you and they’ll still work.

Yes, pixel-perfect visual testing is supported. WebdriverIO and Appium use visual diffing to compare screenshots pixel-by-pixel, flagging any visual changes or discrepancies during tests.

Chrome right now, with Safari and Firefox on the way.

Add Android app testing to your QA process

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