Javier López: An immigrant engineer’s path to VPE of Carta

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Javier López
Vice President of Engineering

Javier López looks at engineering challenges differently. He became Vice President of Engineering at Carta after starting his career building web pages in his spare time. He eventually leveraged his development skills from Mexico City to emigrate to the United States and enter the world of start-ups.

López is a self-made leader driven by a passion for learning. From his early days disassembling and reassembling VCRs as a child to reading up on programming languages during his early career on the web, he remains inquisitive.

In his spare time, López has a keen eye for photography. His philosophy on work balances curiosity, creativity, and company strategy to provide customer-focused solutions.

In this episode of Wolfed, López joins host Chris Cohen to discuss:

  • His career journey, from aspiring photographer to immigrating to the United States and leading teams at Carta.
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome as a U.S. immigrant by leveraging his unique experience collaborating with international teams.
  • How IT leaders can work cross-functionally to gain buy-in and generate top-line revenue.
  • The role transparency plays in leading high-performers prepared for emerging technologies and tomorrow's business challenges.

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