Eldad Persky: From dreamer to tech leader

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Eldad Persky
Sr. Vice President

Eldad Persky is Samsung’s Senior Vice President of Global Product, Engineering, and Business Development. He has more than 20 years of experience mastering the media and advertising industries and has unmatched technical general manager experience. In fact, he’s a big believer in the technical general manager role—a single person owning product management and engineering and providing strategic direction and vision.

There’s no geography, market, or platform he’s not ready to take on with the right resources. He has scaled a team of one hundred in two countries to a team of 700 in seven. He currently leads product managers, designers, engineers, architects, analysts, and researchers globally and makes growth and success look easy.

How does he do it?

From being raised in a family of lawyers to seeking opportunities to grow and lead, Persky has come from a non-traditional background and remained dedicated to the vision he had for his career when he finished college.

In this episode of Wolfed, Persky joins host Chris Cohen to discuss:

  • His career journey from majoring in computer science to arriving at Yahoo and eventually climbing to the top of Samsung.
  • Navigating cross-team collaboration in large corporations to forge meaningful relationships.
  • Building international product and engineering teams that deliver solutions that matter.
  • Fostering a culture of innovation with companies from the top down.

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