Artem Fishman: Pioneering success from Yahoo Finance to Dow Jones

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Artem Fishman

Artem Fishman is Dow Jones's CTO. He leads more than 2,000 people who work on products across the company's portfolio, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and MarketWatch. If you're engaging with news, he's influenced its delivery to your mobile device.

Becoming the CTO of Dow Jones is not a feat achieved overnight. Fishman is a technologist known for setting up technical teams to deliver results swiftly in financially prudent environments. His career, which has seen him in global leadership roles at SoundCloud, Yahoo, Huge, and Thomson Reuters, is a testament to his ability to deliver results.

Like many engineers, he began his journey to success more humbly. He developed his calling for engineering at a very young age in his native country of Moldova (the Soviet Union at the time). After immigrating to the U.S. as a teenager, he intended to become a medical professional. That changed after he took a few computer science courses at New York University.

What changed his career trajectory from a would-be doctor to one of the world's leading engineers? Check out this episode of Wolfed for the full story.

In this episode, Fishman joins host Chris Cohen to reflect on:

  • His career journey from The New York Times to Dow Jones.
  • How he overhauled Yahoo Finance's entire infrastructure and what he took away from the experience.
  • The biggest challenge in reimagining the future of today's technologies.
  • The balance between taking risks and delivering business outcomes.
  • Why he adapts his leadership style at each new organization.

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