How automated testing supports DevOps

Carlos Inocencio
September 3, 2024

DevOps has become a cornerstone of modern software development, but to really appreciate its impact, it helps to understand where it all began. The roots of DevOps can be traced back to the early 2000s, when Agile methodologies started gaining traction. Agile emphasized collaboration, flexibility, and rapid iteration, breaking down the silos between development teams and encouraging more frequent communication and collaboration. But while Agile brought developers closer to their goals, it also highlighted the need for better integration with other parts of the software lifecycle—especially operations and quality assurance.

As teams sought to bridge these gaps, the concept of DevOps emerged. The goal was simple: create an efficient way of delivering software by bringing together developers, operations, and QA from the very start of the process. Instead of waiting until the end of development to test or deploy, folks in these roles became integral parts of the entire cycle, working in parallel to ensure that the product was not only built right but also ready to run smoothly in the real world.

This shift toward integration has done more than just speed up delivery times; it has fundamentally changed how teams approach building and maintaining software. With QA embedded throughout the process, potential issues are caught earlier, reducing the chances of late-stage surprises and enabling faster, more reliable releases.

What exactly is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies, built out of the Agile methodology with the ultimate goal of shortening the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and delivering high-quality software continuously rather than in scheduled releases.

  • DevOps tools are specific technologies used to implement DevOps practices, including version control systems, CI/CD pipelines, configuration management tools, containerization, and monitoring tools.
  • DevOps practices, like continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and automated testing are focused on moving an idea to a finished product quickly, and promoting a flexible, iterative approach to delivery.
  • DevOps cultural philosophies foster collaboration between teams, including developers and IT operations, and QA. The goal is to have everyone work together faster and more effectively.

Where automated testing falls in DevOps process

Automated testing is so crucial to DevOps that it’s considered an essential part of the DevOps cycle. You’re not fully embracing DevOps if you’re not doing automated testing. In a typical CI/CD pipeline, a code change triggers a series of automated steps—like building the code and running tests. Using version control platforms like GitLab or GitHub, these pipelines run automated tests whenever code changes, providing fast feedback. This quick feedback loop allows developers to catch and fix issues early, preventing problems from reaching production.

The DevOps cycle
Credit: SolarWinds

Why automated testing is part of the DevOps process

Combining DevOps with automated testing enhances software development by speeding testing, catching issues early, and ensuring high-quality software delivery. DevOps emphasizes collaboration and quick feedback, while automated testing provides consistent and reliable results, keeping projects on track.

  • Shift left for faster feedback and higher accuracy: Manual testing is slow and prone to errors, while automated testing, integrated into the DevOps workflow, allows for immediate code checks. This approach quickly identifies problems and maintains development speed. Automated tests run consistently, reducing errors and ensuring issues are caught and fixed early, improving overall software quality.
A chart of shift left and shift right activities
Credit: Denis Peganov
  • Maximize efficiency by scaling horizontally: Automated testing allows for parallel test runs, speeding up the testing process and enabling more frequent, cost-effective testing than manual or serial execution.
  • Spot issues early: By continuously testing code in environments that mirror production, teams can catch and fix errors before they impact users. Comprehensive testing, including performance and functionality tests, adds extra protection, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Free up your team to tackle high-impact tasks: Automation optimizes workflows in a DevOps environment, but human insight remains vital. Automated tests handle repetitive tasks, freeing your team to focus on more complex challenges requiring creativity and judgment. This balance allows teams to focus on edge cases, develop new automation, and tackle high-impact projects that drive innovation.

For more information on the benefits of integrating automated testing in DevOps, explore the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) reports.

How DevOps changed the role of QA

As DevOps practices took hold and continuous delivery became the norm, the role of QA began to shift in response to these new demands. In the old days, testing often happened at the end of the development cycle, with QA teams methodically running through manual tests before giving the green light for release. But in a world where code changes are being integrated and deployed continuously, that approach just doesn’t cut it anymore.

With teams pushing updates at lightning speed, often multiple times a day, the pressure to maintain up-to-date, reliable tests has skyrocketed. This is especially true when testing on pull requests (PRs), where every change, big or small, needs to be validated before it’s merged into the main codebase. Keeping up with this pace with manual testing is nearly impossible, which is where automated testing steps in to save the day.

However, automated testing isn’t just a magic wand that makes everything easier. It introduced its own set of challenges, particularly in terms of test maintenance. As the code evolves, so too must the tests—ensuring they accurately reflect the current state of the application. This constant upkeep can be a significant burden on teams, turning what was once a straightforward task into an ongoing effort to keep tests relevant, accurate, and efficient. In this new landscape, the role of QA became as much about building and maintaining a robust testing framework that can keep pace with development, as it is about finding bugs.

QA Wolf enables DevOps

As DevOps pushes teams to deliver faster and more frequently, the challenges of maintaining a reliable testing framework can feel overwhelming. The burden of keeping tests up-to-date, especially when testing on PRs, can quickly eat into the time and resources meant for innovation and development. This is where QA Wolf comes in, transforming the testing process from a persistent headache into a streamlined, fully managed solution.

With QA Wolf, your team gets the benefit of our fully managed testing service, meaning you don’t have to worry about the day-to-day grind of writing, maintaining, and running tests. Our parallel run infrastructure ensures that your tests run quickly and efficiently, allowing you to get immediate feedback on every change, without slowing down your pipeline. And with our AI-driven test maintenance, you can rest easy knowing that as your code evolves, your tests will evolve with it—no more worrying about outdated or broken tests holding you back.

By taking the complexity of automated testing off your plate, QA Wolf enables you to fully embrace the speed and agility of DevOps without sacrificing quality. We’re here to help you focus on what you do best—building great software—while we take care of the rest. In a world where continuous delivery is key, QA Wolf is the partner that makes it possible.

FAQ: DevOps and automated testing

What is DevOps, and how does it relate to automated testing?
DevOps is a set of practices that promotes collaboration between development and operations teams to deliver software faster and more efficiently. Automated testing fits into DevOps by speeding up testing processes, catching errors early, and ensuring high-quality software delivery.

Why is automated testing important in DevOps?
Automated testing is crucial in DevOps because it provides quick, consistent feedback on code changes, reduces manual testing efforts, and helps detect issues early in the development cycle. This leads to faster releases and more reliable software.

What are the benefits of integrating automated testing into a CI/CD pipeline?
Integrating automated testing into a CI/CD pipeline ensures that code is continuously tested as it is developed, reducing the risk of bugs reaching production. This integration also speeds up the development process by providing immediate feedback and enables more frequent, stable releases.

What tools are recommended for automated testing in DevOps?
Popular frameworks for automated testing in DevOps include Playwright, Cypress, Selenium, and Puppeteer. These tools offer robust features for automating web application testing and integrating smoothly with CI/CD pipelines.

How can I start implementing automated testing in my DevOps workflow?
To start implementing automated testing in your DevOps workflow, choose a testing tool that fits your project needs, set up a CI/CD pipeline, and automate your most critical test cases. Gradually expand your test coverage and continually optimize your tests for the best results. Check out our comprehensive guide for more detailed steps.

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